It is the first act we commit upon entering this world and the last. Breathing as a form of therapy has been utilized by many different cultures for thousand of years. It is the root of many disciplines including yoga, qigong, and meditation for cultivating the mind, body, and spirit. In fact, newborn infants are masters of deep breathing . . . a discipline many of us as we grow older tend to abandon. We tend to breathe shallow breaths, only using a small portion of our upper lungs to oxygenate our blood and detoxify poisons. I would like to examine the process of breathing and the various types of techniques described the "Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity" by Daniel Reid. As we intake air through our nostrils, accumulated toxins (dust, pollen, and bacteria) are captured by our nose hairs, minimizing the possible irritants from entering our bodies. The air travels through our sinus cavity then into our throats and finally into the lungs. Our lungs are spongy tissues comprised of dense network of tubes that progressively become smaller. There are two major tubes known as bronchi separate becoming the smaller branches known as bronchioles. The bronchioles lead to 300 hundred million tiny air sacs called alveoli that collect the air. About 21 percent of the air we breathe actually contains oxygen. Within the alveoli, some of the oxygen is phased into the blood stream while the remaining carbon monoxide (dead air) is exhaled out. This is what normally would occur during breathing. However there are many factors, which contribute the disharmony of breathing. Factors, such as, smoking, pollution, ignorance, constipation, and plain-old laziness rob us of our most precious gift . . . the breath of life. According to Mr. Reid, one of the major contributing factors to our shallow breathing is ignoring our diaphragm. The diaphragm is a condensed fibro muscular sheet that lies beneath the lungs and above the abdomen. It open and closes moving air in and out of the lungs. If you simply relax and inhale slowly, watching your belly slightly bulge then slowly (without tension) exhale until your belly compresses, you have engaged the diaphragm. You can feel a tangible feeling of relaxation almost immediately and afterwards. Best of all it’s free and can be done anywhere. Yet, disease and disharmony can rob us of this benefit. Clavicular breathing is a situation that occurs in asthma and emphysema sufferers. It occurs when the clavicles (collar bones) are raised; highlighting the upper, shallow part of the lungs. Many times breathing must be done in rapid succession in order to receive more oxygen. A person performing this act may appear similar to a panting dog. Unfortunately, clavicular breathing often strains the heart because the heart must pump harder through the lungs. Clavicular breathing can be experienced when you feel anxious or stressed also. Simply look at anyone who is stressed out their shoulders are usually hunched and their breathing is short. Now, we all understand what toxic changes are occurring within the body due to stress and how our bodies are being affected. As I mentioned earlier, breathing has been therapy utilized for thousand of years by various disciplines, including the ancient Taoist. In a nutshell, Taoism is a philosophy, which seeks harmony and balance in all things. It has influenced martial arts such as Tai Chi and Ba Gua, as well as, Traditional Chinese medicine. Breathing is so important to Taoist they measure their lifespan not in years but in breaths. They consider the act of breathing occurs in four parts.
INHALATION: With your body relaxed and the spine straight, you want to empty your lungs and abdomen completely with a forced contraction. Now, slowly inhale through the nose guiding the air through the lungs into the diaphragm until the belly slightly protrudes. Once the lower lungs have filled continue to breathe, filling mid-lungs then the upper lungs. Please make sure that you do not force any part of this technique as it will place unwanted strain upon the system. Also, it is not necessary to completely fill the lungs on each inhalation. Rather, you can fill the lungs with about two-thirds of breath.
RETENTION: The act of breath retention we usually experienced either when we stressed, exerting, or holding our breath to escape some foul odor that we have come across. However, holding one’s breath actually have some benefits for us. When the breath is brought into the belly, our lungs are still. This is considered womb breathing because it is similar to when the fetus receives oxygen through the umbilical cord and not the lungs. As we retain our breath, the heart beats slows, blood pressure is lessened, and cells begin to breathe. Celluar respiration occurs when the cells begin to break down sugars, releasing oxygen and excreting by-products into the blood to be cleansed from the body. Also, you may experience heat and even perspire after about fifteen minutes of deep breathing exercise. Our lungs are also enriched with blood and additional oxygen, as well as, eliminating carbon dioxide. Breath retention also produces body heat, which can useful for those who live in colder climates. Now, breath retention should not be done for long periods of time and it is best to find a qualified instructor in either yoga or tai chi to better guide you with this stage of practice.
EXHALATION: Now that you have held your breath it’s time to release it. For Taoist, exhalation is more important than inhalation. Slowly, exhale through the nose and keep your tongue gently pressed to the roof of your mouth. When the tongue is pressed against the palate, outgoing breath is slowed. If at any time during the exhalation, you find your breath burst out, you have held your breath too long. Now, you want to empty your lungs in the opposite manner that you inhaled (top to bottom). Once the lungs are emptied contract the stomach to compress the inner organs and pump extra the blood accumulated during the inhalation. Finally allow everything to relax.
PAUSE: during this final stage of breathing, it is important to close the glottis so air does not rush back into the lungs immediately. Wait for a few seconds, then begin the process once again. If you have to gasp for your next breath, you have waited too long. Everything involving Taoism always seeks balance. This is simply one technique used in the art of breathing. With so many disciplines, there are various ways to improve our health, but the best path is the one that suits you the best. Thank you for time and see you on the path.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
10 Foods to raise your metabolism
Here are 10 foods that will increase your metabolism and help you lose weight. This great article from Sheri Strykowski is sure to have you nodding your head in agreement but there are a few that will probably be new to you as well.
Stoke your metabolic fire and burn calories faster with diet-friendly foods and beverages. Post this list on your fridge next to the photo of you in your “skinny jeans” and make a copy to b10 Foods to raise your metabolism
Just remember: Calories count, portion control rules and there’s no substitute for a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. So get moving!
Here are the top picks culled from some of the latest research:
1. Water! A new study seems to indicate that drinking water actually speeds up weight loss. Researchers in Germany found that subjects of the study increased their metabolic rates (the rate at which calories are burned) by 30 percent after drinking approximately 17 ounces of water. Water is also a natural appetite suppressant that banishes bloat as it flushes out sodium and toxins. Drinking enough water will also help keep you from mistaking thirst for hunger. So drink up! Make sure that you are starting your day with a big big glass of water and drink throughout the day not just all at one time.
2. Green Tea! Studies show that green tea extract boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. This mood-enhancing tea has also been reported to contain anti-cancer properties and help prevent heart disease. It’s also a trendy drink among weight-conscious celebrities. You may Have already seen my green tea articles but thos may be one really fantastic herb and it tastes nice too!
3. Soup! Eat less and burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. According to a Penn State University study, soup is a super appetite suppressant because it’s made up of a hunger-satisfying combination of liquids and solids. In the study, women chose one of three 270-calorie snacks before lunch. Women who had chicken and rice soup as a snack consumed an average of 100 fewer calories than those in the study who opted for a chicken and rice casserole or the casserole and a glass of water. I used to joke that soup is not a meal but it really dies fill you for very few calories and remember that when you eat a food with a lot of taste it really will satisfy.
4. Grapefruit! The grapefruit diet is not a myth. Researchers at Scripps Clinic found that participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal in a 12-week period lost an average of 3.6 pounds. The study indicates that the unique chemical properties in this vitamin C-packed citrus fruit reduce insulin levels, which promotes weight loss. NOTE: If you are taking medication, check with your doctor about any potentially adverse interactions with grapefruit. Grapefruit, because of the soft peel is a nice alternative to an apple of orange and study after study of the last 30 years has shown that it can really help burn fat.
5. Apples and Pears! Overweight women who ate the equivalent of three small apples or pears a day lost more weight on a low-calorie diet than women who didn’t add fruit to their diet, according to researchers from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Fruit eaters also ate fewer calories overall. So next time you need to satisfy a sugar craving, reach for this low-calorie, high-fiber snack. You’ll feel full longer and eat less.
6. Broccoli! Study after study links calcium and weight loss. Broccoli is not only high in calcium, but also loaded with vitamin C, which boosts calcium absorption. This member of the nutritious cabbage family also has plenty of vitamin A, folate and fiber. And, at just 20-calories per cup, this weight-loss superfood not only fights fat but also contains powerful phytochemicals that boost your immunity and protect against disease.
7. Low-Fat Yogurt! Dairy products can boost weight loss efforts, according to a study in the April issue of Obesity Research. People on a reduced-calorie diet who included three to four servings of dairy foods lost significantly more weight than those who ate a low-dairy diet containing the same number of calories. Low-fat yogurt is a rich source of weight-loss-friendly calcium, providing about 450 mg (about half the recommended daily allowance for women ages 19-50) per 8-ounce serving, as well as 12 grams of protein. As far as superfood go Yogurt is right there. It includes calcium, protein and a ton of other nutrients as well as good bacteria for you digestive tract.
8. Lean Turkey! Rev up your fat-burning engine with this bodybuilder favorite. Countless studies have shown that protein can help boost metabolism, lose fat and build lean muscle tissue so you burn more calories. A 3-ounce serving of boneless, skinless lean turkey breast weighs in at 120 calories and provides 26 grams of appetite-curbing protein, 1 gram of fat and 0 grams of saturated fat. With the price of chicken going up and up these days Turkey has become a great alternative. Remember that Turkey is a little tougher than chicken and the taste is a little different but it is not just for Thanksgiving and Christmas anymore.
9. Oatmeal! This heart-healthy favorite ranks high on the good carb list, because it’s a good source of cholesterol-fighting, fat-soluble fiber (7 grams per 3/4-cup serving) that keeps you full and provides you with the energy you need to make the most of your workouts. Just be sure to choose steel cut or rolled oats, not instant oatmeal, to get your full dose of vitamins, minerals and fiber. For many years now Pro Bodybuilders have relied on Oatmeal as a staple of their breakfast, it is amazingly high in nutrients.
10. Hot Peppers! Eating hot peppers can speed up your metabolism and cool your cravings, researchers at Laval University in Canada found. Here’s why: Capsaicin (a chemical found in jalapeno and cayenne peppers) temporarily stimulates your body to release more stress hormones, which speeds up your metabolism and causes you to burn more calories.
Here’s how these 10 fat-blasting superstars help you lose weight:
-Each of these healthy weight-loss boosters fills you up and keeps you full longer on fewer calories.
Water-rich fresh fruits, veggies and soup dilute the calories in your food and allow you to eat more without breaking the calorie bank.
-High-fiber fruit, vegetables and nutritious whole grains keep your digestive system on track and steady insulin levels, which prevents fat storage.
-Lean meat boosts metabolism and burns calories because it take more energy to digest than other foods.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Immortality . . . The quest for everlasting youth has been dreamt and desired by all of humanity. From ancient alchemy to Ponce De Leon’s search for the Fountain Of Youth to cosmetic modification and Botox. All have promised to make you younger yet true anti-aging occurs not drinking fabled waters or having poisonous agents injected into the flesh. There is no magic bullet when it comes to ant-aging. Instead it is a combination of different factors when employed holistically will slow down the sands of time. The following thesis will explore the many different elements . . . Diet . . . Exercise . . . Herbs when used holistically may assist to lengthen our lives and promote vitality as we age. However, before we delve into the cornucopia of anti-aging agents, we should examine what is aging and how does the body experience it.
“Aging - the progressive deterioration with time that makes our bodies less responsive, less viable, and more vulnerable to disease. (Triveri and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 311 ). As the previous statements illustrates, aging occurs in several steps which I will outline below:
1. Small changes in our cardiovascular and respiratory systems cause of lack of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues.
2. As the oxygen levels decline and nutrients are not delivered, the heart and lungs activity is lessened, causing carbon dioxide to increase.
3. Blood vessels stiffen, causing high blood pressure, diminished circulation, and heart disease begin to manifest.
4. The Immune System is weakened allowing cellular repair and the disposal of dead or defective cells to lessen. This increase the probability of cancer.
5. Other disease, such as, Diverticulitis, as well as, constipation can possible occur.
5. The Kidneys have greater difficulty to expel toxins and other impurities from the body.
6. The body begins to lose muscle mass, experience bone loss due to diseases such Osteoporosis, and impaired coordination. Arthritis typically becomes a concern also. This is why it appears that seniors are shrinking.
7. The disk in the spine shrink, causing painful compression, as well as the body loses its flexibility due to the loss of cartilage and stiffening of ligaments.
8. Due to a lack of blood and other crucial nutrients, the brain and nervous system effectiveness occurs. The conductivity of the Nervous system is compromised. Our brains also shrinks, affecting our motor skills, memory, and learning capacity. Alzheimers and Parkinsons are typically diseases, which occurs at the stage.
9. Our metabolism slows down due to a sluggish thyroid and in turn the body retains fat. The body’s inability to manage insulin and sugar levels gives rise to diabetes.
10. For men, testerone levels decline affecting sexual health. Prostate Cancer also becomes a concern after the age of 45. For women, the primary hormones of progesterone and estrogen, lessened after menopause, leads to Osteoporosis.
What follows is a very painful road as the body deteriorates until all functions has ceased
and death finally overtakes us. However, this need not be the case. Death is inevitable but the manner we greet it does not have to be in the above described manner. Instead, the body runs its course and finally shuts down in a disease and pain free manner.
Holistic Health is defined as employing and examining various factors, such as investigating the foods we consume, supplements, as well as diet and exercise to fortify and prolong our overall health. An important factor in prolonging cellular health and thereby prolonging the health of the individual is consuming antioxidants. Antioxidants can be found in the forms of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and even herbs. The antioxidants can protect the cell from oxidative damage due to free radicals. “Antioxidants mechanisms are selective, acting against undesirable oxygen reactions but not available during oxygen activity. Although oxygen is vital to our vital our body function, the presence of either too much oxygen creates a toxic by-product called free radicals. Free radicals are usually a by-product of stress. ” Stress is one of the underlying factors that is responsible for premature aging. Through the production of free radicals, stress affect virtually every system of the body. But what is a free radical and how does it cause premature aging? “A free radical is an unstable, toxic molecule of oxygen with an unpaired electron that steals an electron from another molecule and produce harmful effects.” (Trivieri and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 315) In turn, these free radicals produce a highly acidic environment in the body. An overabundance of acid has been linked to chronic diseases, such as, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, the loss of collagen. Free radicals are so toxic that they damage our DNA and mitochondria. Mitochondria is the mechanism responsible for cellular energy. This would be why we experience great fatigue when we are under prolong stress. “Free radical damage is most pronounced in oxygen rich organs (eyes, brain, liver, heart, lung, kidneys, and blood) has been implicated in the following diseases: kidney disease, diabetes, pancreatic, liver damage . . . .”(, Trivieri and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 316)
As we can see from the damage, free radicals will have upon the body, it’s imperative in an anti-aging program to consume antioxidants.
Pycnogenol: A derivative of pine bark and considered part of the bioflavonoid family is a powerful antioxidant. It’s fifty times stronger than Vitamin E and four times stronger than Vitamin C in it’s ability to nullify free radicals. Pycnogenol can also cross the blood barrier to protect the brain from free radical damage. Pycnogenol can be found in wines and in supplemental forms.
Coenzyme Q10: Coenzyme Q10 stimulates mitochondrial energy, as well as, protecting and strengthening the heart. It is also required by essentially every cell in the body, but it does decrease with age. This could possibly coincide with fatigue experienced during aging. As an antioxidant , Coenzyme 10 can neutralize not only the free radicals themselves, but possibly repair the damage they cause. Coenzyme Q10 can be found in foods, such as tuna and mackerel, organ meats, and vegetable oils.
Germanium: Germanium is a mineral that cleanses and blocks free radical damage and stimulates the immune system.
Glutathionine: Glutathionine is an amino acid that can help detoxify the liver, balances sugar, neutralize radiation to cleanse the blood from chemotherapy and xrays,
SOD (Superoxide Dismutase): Sod is one of the best antioxidants due to its ability to neutralize various types of free radicals. Produced by the liver, SOD neutralizes free radicals by rendering them inert and reduces the ratio of cell destruction.
Methionine: Methionine is amino acid that protects the liver from fatty buildup, as well as, free radical neutralizer.
Cysteine: Cysteine is amino acid that works with Vitamin C, E, and Selenium to prevent from radical damage to the skin.
Octaconsol: Octacosonol increases energy and boost oxygen during exercise.
Wheat Germ Oil: This particular antioxidant is high in various nutrients, such as, B Vitamins and Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It’s equivalent to being exposed in an oxygen tent for thirty minutes.
Vitamin A and Caroteniods: Vitamin A is mostly known for supporting one’s eyesight but it serves an antioxidant. It acts by severing free radical reactions and thus preventing the oxidation of cholesterol. Also Vitamin A minimizes the oxidation of our DNA by reducing free radical production due to exposure to sunlight, air pollution, damage to your eyes, lungs, and skin.
Vitamin C: Vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant is typically considered the first line of defense against free radicals. The central nervous system, which can be plagued by free radical can be neutralized by increasing your Vitamin C.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant that prevents fat oxidation, which often leads to arteriosclerosis. Vitamin E also prevents the cell’s coating from becoming rancid. It will also improve oxygenation of the cells, prevention of cataracts due to free radical damage.
Alpha Lipoic Acid: is one of most universal of antioxidants as it has the ability to neutralize various types of free radicals. When consumed with vitamin C and E, it actually revitalizes their antioxidant nature after they have become inert from neutralizing free radicals. Alpha Lipoic Acid has been also used to regulate blood sugar levels.
The plant kingdom has yielded many gifts for us in the form of food, air, and medicine. It is through the medicinal compounds of herbs that we slow down cellular decay. By prolonging the life of the cell we prolong the life of the organs, muscles, tissues, and so on. As all herbs maybe categorized as anti-aging because they exhibit some cellular regenerative abilities, they are a select few in this category.
Ginseng is an ancient Chinese Herb used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousand of years and restores the body at a cellular level. Three active components that provide its benefits are ginseng panaxin, panaquilan, and schigenin. These components enhance circulation, stimulate our nervous system, and hormonal secretions. Ginseng also emits unique element of ultra violet radiation that stimulate the growth of human tissues. Ginseng also has the ability to increase the body’s synthesis of DNA & RNA and protein. Plus Ginseng synthesis gonadtropins and ACTH, which can prolong life.
If Ginseng is the King of Herbs, then Reishi Mushroom is the herb of kings. Touted by Daoist adepts, Reishi Mushroom is considered the herb of immortality. Classified as a s Shen or spirit enhancing mushroom, Reishi calms the heart thereby extending its life. A definite plus when you want to extend one life. Reishi also improves ones energy, enhance, immunity and promote sleep. As an immune modulate, Reishi regulates the immune system so the body may stave off harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Polysaccharides, the active ingredient of Reishi plays an important role in fighting cancer cells. Reishi also has the ability to lower LDL, blood cholesterol, thereby fighting off heart disease, high blood pressure, and a toxic liver. As a Shen Herb Reishi has a calming effect and centering effect on its user. As the body’s degeneration has been directly linked to stress, Reishi calming effect can minimize the production of free radicals. Free radicals are toxic components that are produced due to stress, which destroy healthier cells.
Ginko Leaf is categorized as an ant-aging herb due to its regenerative properties on memory and the mind. Ginko increases blood supply to the extremities, but most importantly the brain as well. It has been shown to benefit vertigo, neurological disorders, memory and possibly Alzheimer . By increasing the blood supply to the brain it increases oxygenation.
Garlic: Garlic does not only enhance the flavoring of food it binds toxic heavy metals so they maybe expelled from the body. Garlic prevents fats from being oxidized then clogging up tissues and arteries. Garlic guards against sun damage radiation and keeping blood vessels healthy.
Turmeric: Tumeric, an Indian Spice, prevents the formation, as well as, neutralizing free radicls. It prevents pre-cancerous changes inside the DNA. Tumeric prevents cholesterol buildup in the arteries.
As we can see, supplements play an important role in slowing down the aging process. However, supplements are not the whole picture. The mind plays an important role in anti-aging . As stress affects the mind creating a cascading effects of free radical damage throughout the body, by implementing various relaxation techniques such as meditation has the opposite affect. The human brain exhibits between four to five brain states: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Theta, and Delta. Each brain waves exhibit various functions and reactions in the body. As slower brain waves are associated with slower brain states and thus inducing a more relax state of being, I will highlight those specifically:
Alpha Brain Waves occurs within 8-12 HZ and often experienced during daydreaming. It’s occurs within the right side of the brain and creates a sense of relax and creative state of being. Alpha Brain Waves has a positive effect on the body by inducing health hormones while decreasing harmful by-products of stress. These healthy hormones are DHEA and melatonin while the harmful hormone is cortical. DHEA (DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE) is one of the principal hormones secreted by the adrenal glands and assists us in adapting to stress. DHEA improves oxygen and glucose to be fed to our muscles. It also improves our mental and physical energy, as well as, being used to create tester one and estrogen. Prolong exposure to stress, depletes levels of DHEA, which in turn speed up our aging clock. As our organs are forced to run at a hyper state, they begin to wear out and prematurely age then finally functions. “Low DHEA level are associated with an increase risk of many killers, including Alzheimers, cancer, and heart disease, and of aging in general. ( Holford ,Nutritional Bible page 273)
Melatonin is secreted by the pineal gland and is an important factor in anti-aging. “The body’s pattern of melatonin production is similar to that of the anti-aging hormoness, human growth hormone (HGH) and dehyddroeprandrosterone” (DHEA). (Nutritional Healing, Balch page 75). After puberty our melatonin level begin to decline as we age. Not only does melatonin support an anti-aging benefit, melatonin supports additional functions as welll. Melatonin is considered one of the most powerful antioxidants and can combat the conditions leading hypertension and heart attacks, and certain types of cancer. It has benefits to stimulate our immune system, which is necessary for anti-aging. Melatonin also assists in the production of tester one and estrogen, which also decline as we age. For example andropause and menopuase are hormonal changes associated, which occur when testerone and estrogen decline, leading to aging. As melatonin assists in promoting sleep, it promotes, healing, regeneration, and HGH secretion.
Theta Brain Waves occur within that nether region of mind awake/body asleep moments. In those first few moments, you are waking up from sleep you are experiencing theta. This particular brain states occurs within the range of 4-8 HZ and is often experienced during extreme relax states, as well as, during meditation and prayer. Very similar to Alpha states, Theta brain waves also assist in producing DHEA and melatonin, but there are additional benefits such as stress reduction. As we have been cautioned countless times . . . stress kills. It does so by toxifying the body and leaving it vulnerable to life threatening diseases. By experiencing Theta states, we encourage a state of deep relaxation. In turn, the immune system is strengthened and can fend off many diseases, such as High Blood Pressure and cancers. Theta also slows down the racing thoughts associated with anxiety and stress by releasing feel good chemicals known as endorphins. With Theta, you can experience a euphoric state, which in turn, can stave off many neurological age-related diseases.
Delta Brain Waves are experienced during sleep and are considered the lowest brain waves. It ranges from 0-4HZ and are stimulated by the right side of the brain/ When the brain is in this state of mind, natural Human Growth Hormone is secreted. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is typically secreted between the hours of 10 pm to 6 am in most individuals. “HGH promotes the growth of bone and regulates height stimulates the breakdown of body fat to produces energy and the synthesis of collagen for cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. HGH helps increase muscle mass, hence its promise to the sports community and as an anti-aging therapy.” (Page, Healthy Healing , page 101). Delta Brain Waves like alpha and theta also stimulate the release of melatonin and DHEA. It also rejuvenates and heals the entire mind and body. The immune system is also strengthened during delta. The stress induced hormones epinephrine and cortical are diminished, thereby nullifying their effects. A good case towards promoting a good nights sleep.
These various brain states are exhibited throughout the day either as a part of everyday unconscious functionality to actual conscious stimulation. From meditation to martial arts to yoga or even moderate exercise, we can alter the mind to the slow down the aging of the body. “Yoga is among the oldest known health practices in the world, and into yoga has had a strong impact on the fields of stress reduction, mind/body medicine, and energy medicine. The physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation practices of yoga have been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, regulate heart rate, and even retard the aging process. (Trivieri Jr. and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 465) Its origins are from India and can be translated as either union or to tie the strands of the mind together. Yoga is a mechanism for anti-aging is its ability to empower the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga employs gentle exercises, strengthened and stretch the body, deep diaphonic breathing and meditative. As we age, one of the aspects that we lose is our flexibility. Specifically, the flexibility of our spine is lessened. The human spine consists of 33 bones, which are padded by soft tissue known as cartilage. Within the spine, we find the spinal cord, nerves, and the brain. Through the various asanas or postures, the stretching and strengthening of the spines improves communication between the various nerve cells and the brain. This minimizes the affects of age related neurological disorders.
Yoga also improves the elasticity of the skin, as well as, minimizing the effects of free radicals spawned by stress. Increased oxygenation due to diaphragmatic breathing, helps promote healthier blood, improved breathing, and relax the heart. As we age, we tend to breath more shallow, using a smaller percentage of our lungs to oxygenate the body. By minimizing the effects of stress and other age-related diseases, such as, heart disease and Alzheimers are greatly reduced. Other age-related diseases, such as, arthritis can be improved because of yoga’s ability to restore the stretch and strengthened muscles, ligaments, and tendons. As one of the signs of aging is the declination of mental faculties, yoga promotes brain function. By focusing the mind in the present moments through its deep breathing practices and postures, it reduces the anxiety laden thoughts often associated in our day to day lives.
There are thousand of postures in Yoga, but these are a few, which are considered anti-aging:
1. Spinal Roll
2. Forward Bend
3. The Headstand
4. Shoulder stand
5. Twist Posture
Another set of ancient exercises that have a long association with longevity is Qigong.
According to Traditional Chinese medicine, dis-ease is often caused by blockages of merdian points in the body, which either cause the increase or depletion of Qi. This imbalance of energy then manifests itself as a disease. “Qigong and Tai Chi combine movement, mediation, and breathe regulation to enhance the flow of vital energy in the body, improve blood circulation, and enhance immune function. Because Qigong and Tai Chi can be used by the healthy as well as the severely ill, they represent two of the most broadly applicable systems of self-care in the world.” (Trivieri Jr. and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 434) Qigong, like yoga, has existed for thousand of years and has various styles that mimic animal moments to simply standing still. Qigong translates into Qi (Energy) Gong (Cultivation). Qigong stimulates the flow of Qi through the body‘s various meridians points used for acupuncture in re-establishing and maintaining the body‘s energetic balance. “It has been linked to reduce blood pressure, and increased level of endorphins, natural body chemicals that relieve pain and maintain mental health.” (Balch Nutritional Healing page 726).
Tai Chi Chuan, which translates into Grand Ultimate Martial Art is a series of pre-arranged movements performed slowly, with deep diaphragmatic breathing, and a calmly focused mind. Originally Tai Chi Chuan consisted of 108 movements but it has been abridged to shorter sets of 48 and 24 movements to assist those who do not have the endurance to practice the entire set. As an anti-aging regimen, Tai Chi has the benefit to stimulate, alpha and theta waves which in turns produce anti-aging hormones such as DHEA and Melatonin. The hypothalamus, pituitary, and pineal glands are induced in alleviating pain, enhancing mood, and stimulating the immune system. It calms the sympathetic portion of our nervous system, which allows for a calmer state of being.
“Today in China, many hospitals combine Qigong and Tai Chi with conventional medicine in order to treat cancer, bone marrow disease, and diseases of old age.” (Trivieri Jr. and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 436) Three of the most popular forms of Qigong are Tai Chi Chuan, Eight Section Brocade, and Five Animal Qigong.
Exercise is another important factor is slowing the aging clock. Weight training, as opposed to Qigong, Tai Chi, and Yoga, stimulate muscle fibers to growth through resistance training. In response to progressively heavier weight, the bones increase in strength and density. This can assist in reducing or preventing bone loss due to old age and hormonal declination. Weight training has also been found to naturally increase HGH. In fact, any exercise can assist in an anti-aging program. For example. Walking stimulates both the mind and body similarly to meditation. “Walking is an antioxidant nutrient that helps keep your immune system strong.” (Page Healthy Healing page 265). Other benefits to regular exercise are:
1. Improve circulation
2. Reduce the risk of heart attacks and cancer
3. Weight Loss
4. Reduce stress and encourage relaxation.
5.Stimulate hormone in men and women
6. Increase strength and endurance
7.Prevent osteoporosis by stimulating bone mineralization
8.Help agility and joint mobility
At the heart of or more specifically the stomach of any dietary program is the foods we eat. Without the correct foods, anything else we utilize in anti-aging program will have a minimal effect. “A good diet improves health, provides a high level of energy, maintains harmonious system balance, keeps memory thinking sharp, stave off diseases and contributes to a youthful experience.” (Page Healthy Healing page 258) According to Linda Page, caloric reduction is a necessary component in anti-aging. By reducing your caloric intake it protects your DNA from damage. As we age our metabolism tends to slow down, so if we consume the same amount of calories in our twenties when we are in our forties there would be a tendency for weight gain due to a slower metabolism. Substituting your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables provide an excellent regimen of antioxidants to fight free radicals and fiber for colon cleansing. Superfoods, such as, sea green contain all the necessary nutrients for life inducing iodine. Iodine assist in stimulating the thyroid, which increases metabolism and weight loss. By increasing fibrous foods, vegetable based proteins, and Essential Fatty Acids, they will provide nutrients that are directly fed into the cells. Vegetable based proteins have been found to be more easily assimilated by the body without the hazardous by products of red meat. Fibers assist in reducing cholesterol, as well as, evacuating toxic wasted matter from the body. Highly acidic environment inside the body has been found to promote diseases, such as, cancer and arthritis. Green foods and drinks, such as, wheat grass and spiraling are excellent alkalizes. Another important factor in an anti-aging diet is to increase probiotics. Probiotics are friendly bacteria that lives within the intestines. They are responsible for nutrient assimilation, immunity, and elimination.
“Enzymes are the cornerstone of anti-aging because the support strong immune system health and provide the active food antioxidants which fight free radicals.” (Page Healthy Healing Page 259)
Enzymes are responsible for virtually every function in the body. Without them, we could not exist. Through environmental pollutants, alcohol, narcotics, and chemically saturated foods our enzymes are depleted. If we do not replenish the necessary nutrients the results would be an early demise. As mentioned previously, antioxidants are imperative in combating free radicals. If we do not ingest enzymes supplements, then we should receive them by the foods we consume. However, there is a problem with the approach. Enzymes are very sensitive to high temperatures. During cooking, usually above 118 degrees Fahrenheit, naturally enzymes are destroyed so when we ingest these foods they are enzyme depleted. This destruction also occurs when foods are irradiated, pasteurized, microwaved, and fast food restaurants. These foods, if possible, should be avoided. As enzymes play such an important role in encouraging anti-aging, our diets should include foods that are enzyme rich. A diet that should be largely planet based with fresh foods preferably organic should be consumed.
“Researchers have long known that one of the mechanisms involved in the aging process is the decline in naturally occurring hormones in the body, first occurring after development ceases and then accelerating as we enter our fifties, sixties, and beyond. Chronic illness is also frequently associated with the body’s decline in hormone production. Recent research suggests that proper replacement of natural hormones holds great promise in slowing the aging process and as a treatment for age-related. (Trivieri Jr. and Anderson Alternative Medicine page 358)
As we age begin to age, our hormones decline. By age 50 in men, growth hormone, tester one, DHEA are reduced. After 75 years, it decline another 50 percent. Our melatonin declines greatly after 40 years. In women, their estrogen levels decline between 25 to 50. Afterwards, the declination slows. However, progesterone begins to decline between the ages of 35 to 50. Progesterone continues to decline slowly. But what are hormones and why are they so important to our health, as well as, anti-aging? “Hormones play an important role in the health and maintenance of the body, including influencing the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and water.” ( (Trivieri Jr. and Anderson, Alternative Medicine page 358) They also serve as chemical messengers that are secreted by the Endocrine System and bind with receptors on the organs. To circumvent the declination of our hormone typically you would receive shots receive prescribed by a doctor. In some cases, however, synthetic HGH has incurred adverse effects leading to possibly cancer. HGH injections can also be very costly ranging in the thousands of dollars. However, HGH can actually naturally stimulated exercises but it can also be stimulated through supplements as well. “HGH is a small protein-like hormone (similar to insulin) released by the pituitary gland under the direction of the hypothalamus.” (Triveri and Anderson Alternative Medicine Page 372)
When HGH declines, the body retains fat, increased dehydration, wrinkles, eyesight is affected, poor memory occurs, bone structure is weakened, and loss lean muscle mass. They are several natural ways in which we can stimulate our HGH through supplementation. Utilizing amino acids arginine, orthinine, lysine and glutamine, you can stimulate your natural HGH. It is often recommended to take amino acids on a empty stomach to promote absorbability and prior to sleep. By taking these amino acids prior to sleep, the would work synergistically with our bodies own natural HGH release cycle. For example, arginine assists in weight loss since it stimulates the pancreas to release insulin and in the release of growth hormones. Arginine aids manufacturing new bone and tendon cells. Ornithine prompts the release of growth hormone and destabilization of body fat. Lysine aids in the production of antibodies, hormones, and enzymes. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body and is often recommended to prevent muscle wasting to hospital patients. It supports brain function build muscles and skeletal muscle proteins.
In conclusion, true anti-aging is not at the tip of a scalpel nor a syringe. As we have seen, employing a holistic approach to retarding the aging process garners the best results. By minimizing stress, we stave off the production of free radicals. Utilizing antioxidants by consuming foods rich in them or as supplements will reduce free radical damage to the cells. In turn, by improving cellular health the rest of the body will benefit. The human body was designed for movement and through various exercises, such as, weight training, running, yoga, and tai chi we can grow stronger as we get older. Anti-aging hormones, DHEA and melatonin can be stimulated by altering our brain states through meditation or meditative movements. Through using this approach, we can live longer and healthier lives.
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