Monday, February 20, 2012

Astragalus/Ginseng Herbal Combination

Aloha Everyone,

During my current studies,I discovered an interesting root known as Astragalus. Also known as Huang Qi, this Traditional Chinese Medicine root has the benefit of stimulating Chi( energy) into the extremities, warming the body's trunk and can assist those recovering from chemo therapy. Astragalus may increase immunity strength by stimulating white blood cell production from bone marrow. It also may have the benefit to stimulate the central neverous system and nourish the kidneys. If you suffer cold extremities or often succumb to colds or flu very often astragalus might be for you. There's a precaution when dealing with astragalus. If you suffer from internal heat or high blood pressure, you may want to steer clear of this one.

Ginseng is an ancient chinese remedy who benefits are legendary and innumerable. Some benefits include are anti-fatigue, immune enhancement, tonies the digestive system, and sharpening the mind. Similar to astragalus root, ginseng also stimulates Chi in the body and at a celluar level can also enhance both DNA and RNA. Ginseng cal also improve mood and lessen the effects of both mental and physical stress. It can return strength back to the body from its deepest level.

I've recently combined astragalus root tea then added ginseng extract to the tea, and I found myself feeling re-energized and awake. However, I did not find myself overstimulated as I have been when drinking coffee. As with any herb, it would be best to make sure you are able to consume them by checking with a qualified doctor or herbalist. Thank you for your time. Aloha.

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