Tuesday, February 7, 2012


What we put into our bodies is important . . . food, supplements, herbs and so on. However, we may forget what we put into our minds is equally important. For thousands of years, meditation has been employed in enhancing the mind, body, and spirit. The human brain emits five different brain waves, which are stimulated by the activity we are engaged in at that moment. These brain states are known as: alpha, beta, gamma, theta, and delta. As meditation deals with relaxation, I will discuss alpha and theta brain waves.
Alpha brain waves occur within the range of 8-12 Hz and is often experienced during daydreaming or visualization. By inducing alpha we can reduce the harmful effects that stress has on us. In turn, alpha stimulates the release of anti-aging hormones DHEA and melatonin. DHEA increases the adrenal glands ability to deal with stress. It can also increase oxygenation of our muscles, as well as, glucose being transported into the muscles for fuel. Increased DHEA helps stave off disease, such as, Alzheimers, cancer, and heart disease. Alpha state has also been shown to enhance hemispheric synchronization of left and right sides of the brain.
Theta waves occur within nether region of the mind awake/body asleep state moments. Theta occurs within the range 4-8HZ and is experienced, during extreme relaxation, as well as, meditation. As with alpha, melatonin is and DHEA are stimulated. Theta also assist in reducing the anxiety produced by too many racing thoughts and producing a calm state of being. This calmness in turn reduces the effects of stress and free radical production, which causes many diseases and causes premature aging.
Both alpha and theta states can be consciously stimulated through activities, such as, yoga, qigong, tai chi, and other meditative activities. By employing some form of meditative art in our everyday life, we can not only enjoy a healthy body, but a calm state of being as well.

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